Friday, December 4, 2015

My Painting!!! Real Madrid Badge!!!

This is my painting, It is a Real Madrid badge and I did a purple background cause it looked really nice with the badge.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fun Friday

On Fridays we have fun Friday.Fun Friday is when we has different games.I always go to bring your own device and go on my chromebook but sometimes i go to sports and fun games, like dodgeball,soccer and basketball.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


This is bugclub our reading site that we go on here are some pictures of bugclub

This some of my books that i read

Here is me reading my book.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My favourite game

My favourite sport is soccer and my favourite game is FIFA 16. FIFA 16 is not out yet but when it does come out i will get it. I have FIFA 15  i like Fifa 15 i wonder how cool Fifa 16 is going to be.My favourite player in the game is Ronaldo he is fast,has good shoot,good dribbling hes good at everything.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Swimming At Jellie Park

For two weeks Rimu and Rata are going swimming at Jellie Park.We are going in a bus. On Monday I did good at swimming lessons. I started at group 1 and I will probably go to group 2. We went inside the water is was freezing but when you stay in for 5 minutes you get warm.We started with some swimming with those noodles and i think we get 15 minutes its a short time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My learning

Bug Club Book Review

Book Title~
The Meddlers:Lickety Kwick and the mixed up fix
Main Characters~
Include a description
Lickety kwick professor kybosh spike jinx meddler
Include a description
Racing track, the vroom machine
Think about main ideas and details.
It's about a racer called lickety kwick ,He thinks hes the best,Professor kybosh thinks he has a big head.He had a race he pushed the started button and the engine was dead.
Intended Audience~
Who do you think would enjoy this book?
racing fans
Learning & Messages~
What did you learn & what messages did the story present?

Best bits~
Write the part of the book that you enjoyed the most.
when professer kybosh said the licktey has a big head
Interesting Illustrations~
Insert an illustration from the book~

Highlight the number of stars you give this book.
  my Metaphor slide

This is a screenshot of Matific Its my favourite online maths website
This game is about triangles and what kind of triangles it kinda hard

This our spelling website where we learn spelling

Its really easy but there are harder games
This is harder than the other typing game.

This is my Ir words word search try to find all of them!
WH Words 
My handwriting!
Here is one of my spelling games
Its a cup stacking spelling game
Im doing really good at this and i won 
My Handwriting
I playing typing factory today
I got 96% out of 100% thats pretty good
This is my handwriting

Friday, July 24, 2015


Hi my name is Sameer and I'm 9.  Im a year 6.  My favourite sport is soccer.  I want to be like Ronaldo.  My favourite game is FIFA Street, NBA 2k16 and WWE 2k16.  In Fifa I get to play with my favourite players and favourite teams like Ronaldo and Messi, NBA 2k is good.  I play basketball but not more than soccer.  I think math and science are the best subjects!My favourite sport is soccer.