Friday, September 9, 2016

I am Reading My Mihimihi!

I am Reading My Mihimihi!
Today I read my mihimihi on screencastify and I am trying to know it without reading off a piece of paper. I am confident to read my mihimihi but I just need to know it off by heart. Here's me reading my mihimihi:
My next step is knowing it off by heart as I said.
It might be good to know it because we might need it  for talking to Maori people and they might not know English.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sameer its Callum. Nice job on saying your mihi. Great work but next time can you make every one be quiet. I can't really hear you but apart from that I think that you did a good job keep up the great work blog you later.


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