Monday, October 31, 2016

Typing Website Progress

Click the link and it will tell you what we will be talking about today!
Click Me For Voki

Rounding and Compensating

Rounding and Compensating
Today, I have made a video about rounding and compensating. We have been learning to do this in maths and its really fun! Here is the video:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Identify Fractions With Lines.

Today, im on that awesome fractions website ( If you want to go on the website click the title, ITS MAGICAL!) I got 10 out of 10 so I got 100% and its easy. Here is a screenshot I took.


The Mountain Disaster!

The Mountain Disaster!
Hi, in writing we have been learning to write from pictures, the story took me 3 days and I think its really good and when you see it please comment and say if its good or not. Here are the pictures I wrote about:

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A New Typing Website

 A New Typing Website
We have a new typing website and I think it's better than the last one, it's fun and it gets harder and harder! It helps me in spelling and keyboard skills (Here's a link Link.) Here is some screenshots I took:

I am currently on number 57 and I have 5 stars on nearly all of them. 

Fractional Part Of A Group

Fractional Part Of A Group
Hi, YAY! More fractions and I got 5/5 so 100% again! These need to get easier but Miss Waho will give us a fractions sheet and it looks hard! Here are the screenshot I took.

This time it was with cookies it was kinda harder but it was still really easy!

Identify Fractions

Identify Fractions
Hi, I am back with that fractions website again, this website is easy and fun! (Here's a link Fractions Website Link.) I got 100% and this time I did 5 questions. It is still helping me with learning fractions but it's too easy. Here's the screenshots I took.


New Cool Fractions Website!

New Fractions Website!
Today, for numeracy we went on this fractions website ( Here's a link Fractions Website Link) I think it's really easy but it gets harder and harder. I got 100% and I did six fractions questions, I think this website will help my learning. Here is the screenshots I took of the website.

I got 100% as I said but it was really easy I need to something harder. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Maths Quiz

Maths Quiz
Hi I am back with some more maths. I did a quiz and got two wrong which gave me 90%! I thought is was really easy but I still got 2 wrong! I need to get better at my 8 time tables and 7 time tables. Here is my score:
As I said my next step is to get better at my 7 times table and 8 times tables.

Prototec Stage 7 Sheet

Prototec Stage 7 Sheet
Today, I tryed stage 7 sheet and I think I did good because I have never learned square roots and percentages. I got 25 out of 40. Its really hard. Here are my scores.

My next step is learning square roots, percentages and more fractions.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Welcome To Term 4 and Reflection Of My Year At Gilberthorpe School

Welcome To Term 4 and Reflection Of My Year At Gilberthorpe School
Here was my group when we went to Pak'n Save.
Here is my friend who has recently left Gilberthorpe School ,
Hi, welcome to term 4! This term will be my last term at Gilberthorpe School :(. This term I really want to get better at maths, handwriting and sports. This year was my best year at Gilberthorpe School because we had lots of fun and we went to camp! Here is a link of the camp photos Camp Photos Link.
Here is a picture of our pasifika performance, it was one of the best performance's
i've ever done.
If you want to see all of Rimus Year here's a link to Rimus blog Rimu Class Blog Link. Here is my year memories. 
Here is my voki

This when we had lots of pizza, lollies and fizzy.